Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Blue or Pink, what do you think????

Week 17
December 15, 2014

Since I learned I was pregnant I have felt like baby Klump is a girl. I’m wearing a pink shirt in this picture (taken before the doctor’s appointment) because I am thinking pink! I really don’t know why. I have never had a dream about it, like most do. I think I am just afraid to have a boy. I have many nephews and they are definitely movers! Girls seem a little less crazy, except for my niece Emily. She never stopped moving when she was young! I also think I want to be like three of my older sisters. They all had a girl first. And now, my sister in law Marcie just had a little girl, so I have been hoping that little Addie won’t be alone with all the Klump boys. So, blue or pink, what do you think???? Keep reading to find out.

This last week has been a mix of feeling good and feeling not so good. Generally, I am not sick. However, mornings are pretty rough again. I wake up really hungry and when I wait too long to eat, I get really nauseated and feel like I am going to get sick. Then, breakfast takes forever to finish. I have found that I need to eat at least every 3 hours and now I need to eat a little more than I used to eat. Meals and snacks are becoming a little bigger, just in time for Christmas! My belly continues to grow and every night it feels like it doubled in size from the morning. I can’t wait to get to America and eat Jet’s pizza, bacon, sausage and home cooked food!!!

Here I am at 17 weeks:

Today we went to the doctors. I have been patiently (or impatiently) waiting for this appointment for five weeks! I love to be planned, prepared and organized. I always knew that I would want to know the sex of the baby ASAP! So today was really exciting for both us. We had boy and girl names picked out, well, narrowed down to a few favorites. Now we know that Baby Klump is a…

 Girl! I knew it! Travis had to run to the grocery store tonight and found this balloon. :)

Other than baby news, we have had a lot of holiday celebrations this week. Last Wednesday I had my book club Christmas dinner and book exchange. It was held at the high school principal’s home on the British Embassy. We sat outside talking, eating and exchanging Kindle books. It was such a great night! Then Thursday Travis and I went to our friend Marcelle’s house with Tracy, Ian, Allison and Derrick for a delicious Christmas dinner there. I ate so much, my stomach hurt. Friday was our staff winter party back at the British Embassy. It was amazing food, great entertainment (teachers dancing) and perfect company. Saturday was another party filled with some amazing food at our friend Josiane’s home. We played games, ate and had a gift exchange. Finally, Sunday I went to our friends’ Liz and Jon’s house for some Christmas caroling. It was a really great night. I just love this time of year and can’t wait to make more memories in Michigan.

Maher, Marcelle, Tracy, Ian, Travis, Christy, Derrick and Allison

Staff Winter Party

Tracy and I ready to go to the staff party!

Mama and Baby this week:
  • Mama has a bigger belly and it makes getting comfy at night a little more difficult now.
  • Mama craves fruit, cheese bread, cupcakes, hot chocolate and cheeseburgers (thanks Laurie!).
  • Mama gets needs to start exercising again! She gets out of breath way too often!
  • Baby is a girl!
  • Baby is slightly more than 5 inches and is the size of a pomegranate.
  • Baby’s cartilage is hardening into bones now.
  • Baby is practicing sucking and swallowing.
  • Baby girl has a ovaries full of eggs already.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

16 Week Update

It’s been a while since my last update. I’ve been trying so hard to do one each week, but by the time I went to write the week 15 update, it was closer to week 16. I decided to just combine them. A lot has happened over the last two weeks. We have been really busy with fun stuff and work stuff. Here is a little recap of that time.

First, I am feeling really good lately. I eat more and sleep a little less. My belly is growing and my pants were not fitting. Luckily, Krystle has let me borrow lots of clothes! It was so much fun trying it all on last weekend. The jeans are my favorite! I feel like I will never want to wear regular jeans again!

Today Travis and I were supposed to head to the doctors and hopefully find out the sex of baby Klump. However, Travis was unable to come with me. Luckily the doctor allowed us to reschedule to next Monday. I will be further along, which makes it a better chance of seeing boy or girl parts! And of course, Travis will be with me. I really wanted him to come to all the appointments. I am really happy it all worked out. Stay tuned to next week’s update to find out if baby will be wearing pink or blue!

Here I am at 16 weeks:

On to life in Riyadh…Thanksgiving this year also happened to be UN Day at school. It was a great combination of one of my favorite American holidays and my favorite international day. I went to school all dressed in my American clothes and colors and enjoyed seeing some of my students dressed up in their home country traditional clothing. The big celebration was planned to be outside. But, just as school was starting, the sky was darkening. Before we knew it, the desert looked more like a rain forest! It was pouring rain and the pavement started to flood quickly. It was only one hour until the celebration was supposed to begin. It didn’t look like it was going to happen. However, the rain stopped fairly quickly and the amazing workers cleaned up the water, put out new rugs and had it ready for the school almost on time. It was amazing! We heard speakers, watched dancers and sang Wave Your Flag! My eyes filled with tears many times. I always cry when I see so many different cultures in one place. It’s one of my favorite things about living and working abroad. You learn so much and see such pride. It was an amazing morning!

That evening we celebrated Thanksgiving with some friends. The food and company were perfect. It’s hard being away from family during the holidays. Luckily, when you teach abroad, everyone is away from family so we celebrate with our new ‘framily’ (friends that are your family abroad). We had a bird, stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, salad and pumpkin cookies for dessert. When the night was over, my belly and heart were full. It was a perfect evening.

The celebrating didn’t stop there though. Saturday was the Turkey Trot and AIS-R Thanksgiving celebration. Travis and I woke up early to head over to the race area on the compound. The social committee planned, organized and set up the route for us. You could choose a 2.5K, 5K or 10K. When I signed up I thought I could do the 5K since I have been running for a few years now. However, between working a lot, sleeping a lot and feeling sick a lot, I haven’t run in a LONG time. I was still hopeful that I could jog and walk the 5K. After the half way mark, you could stop or keep going. I decided the 2.5K was enough for me. I jogged almost the whole thing, so I was happy. Shortly after I finished, Travis finished his 5K. It was a fun morning. 

Later in the evening we had a big celebration with a lot of teachers on our compound. The school provided the turkey and stuffing and everyone brought a dish to share. It was honestly some of the best food I have ever eaten! It was such a good time.

Then things got REALLY busy at work. I may or may not have had a few break downs… This time of year is always crazy, but being at a new school makes it even crazier. We are trying to finish up many assessments, grades and report cards. I was really overwhelmed at first and didn’t think I could possibly get it all done. Once I calmed down, I prioritized and planned out how I was going to get it all finished on time. I am impressed with how much work I have done and I am no longer stressed. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!!! Ten more days and we will be in Michigan!

In other fun news, it was also Krystle’s birthday last week. We decided to do a little mini celebration on the actual day, December 3. Travis and our friends the Jeffersons always bowl on Wednesdays and we all wanted to help Krystle have some fun that day. So we all went up to the bowling alley (on our compound). Krystle and I did a little bowling. We ate some food and then went to Tracy and Ian’s house to eat some cake. It was a fun night. Then Friday night we went to the Winter’s house for some more celebrating.

That’s it for us. A new update will be coming next week…ballet shoes or soccer cleats????

Mama and Baby this week:
  • Mama has a bit of a belly and maternity pants make her happy!
  • Mama is feeling SO MUCH better now! Certain foods are exciting to eat again and I feel like I have more energy.
  • Mama craves fruit, juices, cheese bread and salad.
  • Mama gets headaches and dizzy sometimes.
  • Baby is nearly 5 inches and is the size of an avocado.
  • Baby hears external voices. I should really sing more often now!
  • Baby sleeps and dreams.
  • Baby knows how to breathe.