Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Week 13

Week 13
November 18, 2014

For those of you just finding out about Baby Klump, I have been writing an update each week. I write about how I am feeling, what I am doing and what is happening with the baby. Quick catch up- to say that we were excited when we found out we had a baby on board is an understatement! We are beyond thrilled for this new adventure. Each week I will write a post to tell you all about what is happening. So if you are interested, check back weekly. It is hard to be so far away from our family and many friends during this exciting time. Because of that, I thought weekly updates would help everyone understand the fun stuff and everything else that comes along with pregnancy. Be happy you are tuning in now. The first trimester was FULL of whining and complaining about how sick I felt. :)

I am officially in my last week of the first trimester and feeling pretty good. First, I feel like I have a LITTLE more energy. I asked Travis if he thought I was staying up later and he said no, but I totally disagree. I have stayed up until after 9pm a few times lately! This is a huge improvement because I was falling asleep after school and then again on the couch at around 7:45 each evening! I never knew I could sleep so much. Also, nausea has definitely gone down a lot. I am still eating every 2-3 hours and so far I am good. A friend here in Riyadh also shared a little treat called Preggie Pops. Those help in the mornings when I don’t want to eat breakfast.

The highlight of this week was our exciting weekend in Jordan. I cannot wait to tell you that story! That will have to be it’s own post though. You should look forward to hearing about me crying hysterically at the airport, yelling at Travis at the airport, freaking out about a 3 hour drive because I pee every 5 seconds, holding on to my uterus with one hand and holding the “truck” we drove in with the other hand, mountain climbing, floating in the Dead Sea and overeating! It was a great weekend. I will write that post this weekend.

So that is really it for this week. The real story will come with the Jordan post…stay tuned!

Mama and Baby this week:
·      Mama continues to feel better!
·      Mama still eats a salad after school almost everyday.
·      Mama craves fruit and juices a lot!
·      Mama’s pants are getting VERY tight and uncomfortable!
·      Baby is the size of a peach.
·      Baby has tiny bones forming in his or her arms and legs.

·      Baby’s body is trying to catch up with the size of his or her head!

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