Dear Baby Girl,
I was just watching a short clip on Facebook from Swan Lake. It was a beautiful piece with some unbelievable dancing. As I was watching, you were moving around in my belly as you usually do. It made me think about you and what you will be like, or more specifically, who you will be like.
I wonder if you will be a dancer like your mommy. I loved dance and most of my favorite memories growing up comes from dance class, dance friends, dance competitions and just dancing for fun. Will you be a soccer player like your daddy? He loved to play soccer and is much more of a sports person than I am! Will you enjoy drawing and painting like mommy? I am not very good, but always loved to pick up a paint brush. Will you love to swim like both mommy and daddy? I absolutely love being in the water to play around. Daddy was a swim teacher and knows much more than I do about real swimming. Will you play the piano or another musical instrument? Daddy and I are always amazed with anyone who can play the piano. We love piano music and could listen to it live for hours! Will you be a singer? Your Aunt Jan and Aunt Jennifer have beautiful voices. Mommy loves to sing for fun or to entertain her friends, but she should really keep her mouth closed! You probably know that by now. Sorry that you are trapped inside of me and have to listen to my voice all the time.
Then I wonder about your personality. I am pretty sure you will be a lot like you daddy. You have not stopped moving much in the last 10 weeks! Your daddy doesn't sit still either. Mommy loves to have some down time. On rainy days, I could sit and watch TV or read a book for hours without a problem. Daddy would go nuts. He needs to get out and move a lot. It seems you will be taking after him on that note. Will you be a neat freak like mommy? I try really hard to keep things neat and organized. I am sure that will change in the next few months. Your daddy is becoming more organized, but if you could have seen his desk last year at work, you would understand that he doesn't need everything organized to know where it all is. Will you be brave like daddy? He is not afraid of much. I, on the other hand, can be frightened of my shadow at times. Will you love to travel like mommy and daddy? I hope so. It looks as if you will have many plane rides and many exciting adventures all over the world!
Who will you look like? Will you have your daddy's gorgeous eyes? I sure hope so! When I first met him, I could not stop staring at those sparklers. Sometimes they are green and sometimes they are blue. They are always beautiful! Will you someday have the crazy curves your mother has? They aren't so bad after all. Will you have long legs like both mommy and daddy? What color hair will you have?
As it gets closer and closer to the day we meet you, I grow more and more anxious. We are so excited and so nervous at the same time. No matter who or what you are like, we will love you like crazy!
Mommy and Daddy
March 8, 2015
love it! Keep it for her! xoxo She will be beautiful just like her mommy and daddy.